By 2026, traditional coding practices are expected to decline sharply as AI tools become more embedded in the development process. Matt Garman, AWS CEO, suggests that the traditional role of developers may change substantially, moving away from manual coding tasks.

In this future scenario, developers are expected to spend more time understanding customer needs, business goals, and the intended outcomes of software applications, rather than writing code line-by-line.

AI tools are doing more than automating repetitive tasks; they’re transforming how code is generated, managed, and deployed. Developers will need to adapt by focusing more on strategic roles, such as product design, user experience, and business analysis, while leveraging AI to handle the bulk of coding work.

This change requires a shift in mindset—from seeing themselves as code creators to becoming problem solvers and system designers who guide AI to achieve specific business objectives.

What to expect as AI takes over software development

AWS CEO Matt Garman predicts that by 2026, the software development field will experience a sharp decline in traditional coding roles. As AI technology advances, the role of developers will evolve from coding to a more strategic function, where understanding customer needs and aligning software outcomes with business goals becomes the primary focus.

Instead of spending hours writing and debugging code, developers will need to interpret business requirements, translate them into machine-understandable instructions, and refine AI outputs to ensure they meet the desired objectives.

This shift suggests a future where developers will increasingly serve as intermediaries between AI systems and business teams, focusing on optimizing outcomes rather than the technical aspects of coding. The human touch will be key in refining AI-generated outputs to fit specific, often complex, business contexts.

How GenAI coding differs from traditional programming

Transitioning to GenAI-centric coding brings new challenges and key differences. Unlike human-generated code, GenAI-produced outputs can be unpredictable, with behaviors that some developers describe as “alien-like.” These codes may not conform to standard logic or expected patterns, making them harder to debug and manage.

While traditional programmers rely on intuition and experience, GenAI might follow rules rigidly or, conversely, find creative ways to circumvent them, resulting in unforeseen complications.

For example, AI systems might optimize code in ways that technically adhere to guidelines but miss critical contextual nuances, such as organizational standards or specific customer requirements. Unpredictability here makes it a must for development teams to adopt new oversight mechanisms and validation processes. Understanding AI’s limitations and its “creative” approach to rule-following is key for competently managing GenAI.

Human oversight is key in an AI-driven world

Human oversight is indispensable in the new AI-driven coding space, especially given AI’s tendency toward “hallucinations” or producing incorrect outputs.

AI systems, especially those generating code, can produce results that seem plausible but contain major errors or misunderstandings of the problem context. Engineers need to validate these outputs rigorously to make sure they function correctly and do not introduce hidden vulnerabilities or errors.

Oversight includes a multi-layered approach: manual review, automated testing, and continuous monitoring.

Manual review makes sure AI outputs align with business requirements, while automated testing tools check for errors or vulnerabilities. Continuous monitoring is needed to accurately identify any issues that may arise post-deployment, so that AI-generated code performs reliably over time.

Guaranteeing safe AI code with new testing standards

Automated testing tools, code reviews, and safety checks must become standard practice. Traditional testing methods, which focus primarily on functionality, are inadequate for AI-generated outputs. Instead, new testing approaches must include automated penetration testing and other techniques to discover hidden vulnerabilities and assess the robustness of AI-generated code.

For instance, in high-stakes environments such as healthcare, finance, or critical infrastructure, where software errors can have severe consequences, the margin for error is small.

Rigorous testing must be enforced to prevent AI-induced errors from causing system failures or breaches—and the focus here should be on creating adaptive testing strategies that evolve alongside AI capabilities.

Overcoming AI’s context and communication gaps

Generative AI tools often lack the shared context that human developers possess, leading to potential communication and coding challenges. Unlike human programmers, who draw on a deep understanding of organizational practices and past projects, AI lacks this internalized knowledge, demanding more explicit instructions and oversight.

According to Dev Nag, context-related issues in GenAI coding environments could increase by up to 100 times.

Development teams must spend much more time managing AI outputs, clarifying requirements, and making sure AI tools correctly interpret business needs. This context gap also suggests a need for more comprehensive documentation and a shift toward more competent communication practices.

What new testing methods are needed for AI code

Traditional testing methods—focused on functionality—are no longer sufficient. Instead, enterprises must implement comprehensive and automated testing approaches. Automated penetration testing, for example, should become a standard practice to identify and address security risks in AI-generated applications.

These methods help to discover vulnerabilities, backdoors, or other problematic elements that may not be evident through conventional testing. They’re particularly important given AI’s tendency to generate creative but potentially insecure code, which could exploit unknown weaknesses in systems or applications.

Where GenAI tools fall short in software development

While GenAI tools are efficient in generating small code snippets and prototypes, they struggle with complex logic, large codebases, and novel problems. Current AI tools excel at solving straightforward tasks and handling repetitive coding, but they fall short when faced with scenarios that require deep contextual understanding or creative problem-solving.

Many of these tools are trained on public repositories, limiting their knowledge of proprietary or legacy code, such as COBOL, which is still used in many financial and governmental systems—leading to inaccurate outputs or the inability to handle specific, complex tasks that rely on specialized or outdated languages.

How AI will disrupt workflows and developer roles

GenAI adoption will drive major changes in workflows, development approaches, and team mindsets. Transitioning to AI-assisted development demands a reevaluation of traditional methods, requiring teams to adapt to new tools and frameworks that may not yet be mature or fully integrated.

Many pretrained AI models may not be updated with the latest frameworks or libraries, making them less effective in environments with large or complex codebases.

Developers will need to take on new responsibilities, such as guiding AI behavior and integrating diverse AI tools into existing systems, which requires a mindset shift from purely technical tasks to more strategic oversight roles.

The strange new problems AI brings to coding

Generative AI tools sometimes exhibit unorthodox behaviors, such as generating “imaginary” libraries or frameworks that do not exist. Hallucinations can cause compilation errors and are often detected only through failed installations or error messages in development environments (IDEs).

This presents a unique challenge; while human coders might occasionally make errors, they rarely invent components entirely. Such mistakes reiterate the importance of rigorous testing and review processes to identify and correct these issues early in the development cycle.

New security risks of relying on AI for development

Relying more on AI models in development introduces new security vulnerabilities. As organizations integrate AI into their processes, these models could become high-value targets for attackers. Centralized AI models, in particular, pose a serious risk; if compromised, they could introduce vulnerabilities that bypass standard security checks.

Potential impacts are vast, affecting thousands of applications across industries—demanding heightened awareness and investment in security measures to protect AI models from being exploited.

What happens when AI models get compromised in development

Compromised AI models represent a severe threat, potentially introducing vulnerabilities that evade conventional security checks. These risks extend across the software supply chain, impacting multiple organizations and industries.

As Ashley Rose notes, the widespread use of AI models makes them high-value targets, and if compromised, the consequences could be widespread, affecting numerous applications and systems simultaneously.

Given this potential for harm, organizations must prioritize securing their AI models, employing advanced security practices, and staying vigilant against emerging threats in AI-driven environments.

Final thoughts

As AI continues to disrupt software development, the question is how quickly and effectively your organization can integrate it to stay competitive.

Are you ready to embrace the shift, redefine roles, and secure your systems—or risk being left behind in a world where speed, adaptability, and strategic insight are the new drivers of success?

Tim Boesen

September 6, 2024

7 Min