The perfect time to restart IT projects

The return to business-as-usual and the advent of new technologies present an opportunity to revisit previously halted IT projects. As companies regain stability and operations normalize, there’s a renewed focus on leveraging technology to drive business outcomes.

Organizations are finding themselves in a digital world ripe with technological advancements such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and cloud computing—promising to improve efficiency and productivity while growing competitive advantages. Companies that proactively integrate these technologies into their operations are likely to see tangible benefits in terms of growth, customer satisfaction, and operational agility.

Businesses must reassess their IT strategies and prioritize projects that were put on hold due to the pandemic.

Lessons learned during the pandemic highlight the importance of digital resilience. Businesses that had comprehensive IT infrastructures were better positioned to adapt to remote work, maintain customer engagement, and guarantee continuity. There’s a growing recognition of the value of investing in IT projects that bolster an organization’s ability to withstand future disruptions.

How pandemic delays are holding back your business growth

In a rapidly advancing technological world, delays in adopting new technologies creates a large divide between an organization and its competitors.

Pandemic-induced economic uncertainty led many organizations to defer IT projects. This cautious approach, while understandable, has had long-term repercussions. Deferring IT investments can impede an organization’s growth and undermine its competitiveness.

Long-term hesitation in IT spending introduces several risks. One of the primary risks is falling behind in the digital transformation journey. As competitors continue to invest in and implement new technologies, organizations that delay may find it challenging to catch up—affecting everything from day-to-day operations to the overall customer experience.

Halted and delayed IT projects can lead to increased costs in the long run as delaying important upgrades and implementations can result in outdated systems that are more costly to maintain and less efficient.

The longer an organization waits to invest in new technologies, the more extensive and expensive the required overhaul will be when it eventually happens.

IT spending set to soar in 2024

Gartner predicts IT spending will reach $5 trillion globally in 2024, a 6.8% increase from the previous year—pointing to a shift in how businesses prioritize their IT investments to adapt to the post-pandemic environment.

The projected increase suggests that organizations are starting to resume their halted IT projects while also expanding their IT budgets to encompass new and emerging technologies.

This seems to indicate that there’s a broader acknowledgment of the core role of IT in business success. Companies are investing heavily in areas such as cybersecurity, cloud services, AI, and data analytics to grow and reinforce their operational capabilities and competitive edge.

Rising IT spending points out a strategic shift towards digital transformation, as businesses seek to integrate advanced technologies to drive innovation and efficiency.

For C-suite executives, aligning IT investments with strategic business goals must be a top priority. It’s essential to identify the areas where technology can deliver the most value and to allocate resources accordingly. Increasing IT spending also calls for a careful evaluation of the potential return on investment (ROI) of each project to make sure that the benefits outweigh the costs.

Why waiting could leave you behind

Organizations that delay IT projects risk being outpaced by competitors that adopt new technologies and optimize their IT infrastructures—better positioning themselves to respond to market demands, innovate, and deliver superior customer experiences.

Delaying IT investments can result in missed opportunities for growth and efficiency. For instance, failing to implement automation tools can keep an organization reliant on manual processes, which are slower and more prone to errors. Postponing adopting advanced analytics can limit your organization’s ability to make data-driven decisions, ultimately affecting its strategic planning and future success.

To add to this, organizations need to invest in modern IT infrastructure and cutting-edge projects to remain attractive to top tech talent. Delays here make it more challenging to attract and retain skilled professionals, further worsening the lag in technology adoption and innovation.

How to pick IT projects that drive real business value

The key determinant for project selection is the project’s real measurable value. Projects should align with business objectives and contribute to revenue, cost savings, efficiency, or customer satisfaction. To achieve this alignment, organizations must thoroughly evaluate each project’s potential impact on the business.

Quantifiable value provides insights into the impact of IT investments and justifies further expenditures, setting clear metrics and KPIs to measure the success of each project. For example, an IT project aimed at improving customer service might be evaluated based on metrics such as customer satisfaction scores, response times, and the reduction in service-related costs.

Projects that deliver quick wins can build momentum and support for further IT investments. Identifying and prioritizing initiatives that provide immediate, tangible benefits helps demonstrate the value of IT to stakeholders and secures buy-in for larger, long-term projects.

Organizations should also consider the scalability and future-proofing of their IT projects. Selecting initiatives that can grow with the business and adapt to evolving technological trends makes sure that the investment is still valuable over time.

Top IT projects you should prioritize right now

Be an early adopter with emerging technologies

Emerging technologies in early adoption stages hold immense potential for transformative impacts across industries, including artificial intelligence (AI), natural language processing (NLP), blockchain, the Internet of Things (IoT), and virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR).

Early adopters of these technologies can achieve competitive advantages by integrating them into their operations and services.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP): AI and NLP are transforming how businesses operate, from automating customer service with chatbots to analyzing large datasets for actionable insights. Companies adopting AI can improve decision-making, enhance customer experiences, and increase operational efficiency.
  • Data-driven strategies: Leveraging advanced data analytics transforms raw data into actionable insights, so that companies can make informed decisions, improve customer experiences, and find new growth opportunities. Implementing strong data strategies fosters innovation, operational efficiency, and strategic planning tailored to specific industry needs, allowing top decision-makers to identify trends, optimize processes, and drive competitive advantage.

  • Internet of Things (IoT): IoT devices collect and exchange data for smarter operations and real-time monitoring. Businesses leveraging IoT can optimize their operations, reduce costs, and create new revenue streams. An example is the use of IoT in manufacturing, where connected devices monitor equipment performance and predict maintenance needs.
  • Cloud-based solutions: Adopting cloud infrastructures improves operational agility and scalability, key for modern businesses. Customized cloud solutions optimize IT resources, reduce costs, and accelerate time-to-market for new products and services to ensure secure, scalable, and efficient cloud integration – ultimately supporting business continuity and enabling rapid adaptation to market changes.

Shield your business with advanced risk management IT

Risk management technologies are key for protecting organizations from potential negative consequences, such as legal liabilities, data breaches, and operational failures. These technologies encompass documentation, compliance tools, backup and recovery systems, monitoring, and cybersecurity.

  • Documentation and compliance tools: These tools help businesses maintain accurate records and comply with industry regulations. Effective documentation and compliance management can prevent legal issues and fines, for smooth operations and protecting the company’s reputation.
  • Backup and recovery systems: Backup and recovery systems protect against data loss due to hardware failures, cyberattacks, or natural disasters. Regularly updated backups and tested recovery plans make sure that organizations can quickly restore operations in case of an incident.
  • Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of IT systems helps detect and address issues before they escalate. Monitoring tools provide real-time insights into system performance, security vulnerabilities, and compliance status, for proactive risk management.
  • Cybersecurity: Cybersecurity remains a top priority, given the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks. The estimated worldwide cost of cybercrime was $8 trillion in 2023, or $250,000 per second. Effective cybersecurity measures include firewalls, encryption, multi-factor authentication, and employee training programs.

Boost efficiency and cut costs with smart IT investments

Projects aimed at streamlining processes and reducing costs are key for boosting operational efficiency. Automation tools and cloud computing are top initiatives in this area, letting organizations eliminate manual tasks, improve accuracy, and scale resources dynamically.

  • Automation tools: Automation reduces the need for manual intervention, speeding up processes and minimizing errors. Automation tools can be applied in different areas, such as customer service, finance, and supply chain management. For example, robotic process automation (RPA) can handle repetitive tasks like data entry, invoicing, and order processing, freeing up employees to focus on higher-value activities.
  • Cloud computing: Cloud computing offers scalable, flexible, and cost-effective IT infrastructure. Migrating to the cloud, organizations can reduce their reliance on on-premises hardware, lowering maintenance costs and capital expenditures. Cloud services also provide the ability to scale resources up or down based on demand, for optimal resource utilization and cost efficiency. For instance, a company experiencing seasonal spikes in demand can easily increase its cloud resources during peak periods and scale back afterward.

Is your IT team ready? Reassess and retrain for success

Reassessing IT team proficiency is a priority as technology advances rapidly, rendering skills obsolete quickly. Regular evaluations of team capabilities help identify skill gaps and training needs, so that the workforce remains competent and adaptable.

Organizations should conduct skills assessments to understand the current proficiency levels of their IT staff—including evaluating technical skills, such as programming, cybersecurity, and data analysis, as well as soft skills like problem-solving and collaboration.

Based on assessment results, tailored training programs can be developed to address identified gaps and keep the team up-to-date with the latest technological trends.

Encouraging employees to pursue certifications, attend workshops, and participate in industry conferences helps them stay current with emerging technologies and best practices. To supplement this, leaders should foster a culture of continuous improvement and knowledge sharing within the organization promotes ongoing skill development.

Tap into top talent: Why IT consultants are the way forward

IT consultants are often enlisted for their expertise in priority areas such as cloud migration, cybersecurity, AI, and NLP. Post-pandemic, many skilled professionals prefer consultancy over traditional employment, making it easier for organizations to access specialized knowledge on an as-needed basis.

Leveraging IT consultants provides several benefits:

  • Access to expertise: Consultants bring deep knowledge and experience in specific technologies, helping organizations implement complex projects effectively. For example, a consultant specializing in cloud migration can guide a company through the transition process, for a smooth and efficient migration.
  • Cost-effective scaling: Using consultants lets organizations scale their IT capabilities without the overhead costs of full-time staff—which is particularly beneficial for projects requiring specialized skills that are not needed on a permanent basis. Through hiring consultants for specific tasks or outsourcing more complex projects, companies can manage their budgets more efficiently and allocate resources where they are most needed.
  • Fresh perspectives: Consultants offer an external viewpoint, bringing new ideas and approaches to problem-solving. Their objective insights can help identify opportunities for improvement and innovation that internal teams might overlook.

Technological transformation must remain a top priority

Reviving stalled IT initiatives is necessary for resilience, adaptability, and progress. The pandemic has shone the spotlight on the importance of technology in maintaining business continuity and driving both sustainable and long-term growth.

Reviving IT initiatives also means investing in the digital skills of the workforce. As technology evolves, employees need to be equipped with the knowledge and skills to leverage new tools and platforms effectively. Continuous training and development ensure that the organization can fully benefit from its IT investments.

Organizations must recover lost ground and set a course for technological and digital transformation.

Adding to this, technological transformation helps organizations stay agile and responsive to market changes. Businesses that embrace digital transformation are better positioned to adapt to disruptions, seize new opportunities, and maintain a competitive edge.

As you consider the future of your business, reflect on this: Are your IT projects positioned to help you stay competitive in a rapidly evolving digital world? Leveraging new technologies, strengthening cybersecurity, and improving operational efficiency can drive growth and resilience. Is your organization equipped to take the next step and make these advancements a priority?

Tim Boesen

July 17, 2024

10 Min