Smartphones are transforming how businesses reach and interact with customers. With the global number of smartphone users expected to hit 7.7 billion by 2027, businesses face an immense opportunity to tap into this vast and growing user base.

Every smartphone provides a direct line to potential customers, offering countless opportunities for meaningful engagement. Each device can be a gateway for transactions, brand experiences, and personalized interactions that build loyalty and drive growth.

For companies looking to stay ahead, leveraging the rise of smartphones is a must if they’re to be competitive in an increasingly digital marketplace.

Why your app beats a mobile website every time

Building an app delivers more than a mobile-optimized website. Mobile apps deliver unique advantages that websites struggle to match, especially in areas such as speed, personalization, user loyalty, cost efficiency, and data collection.

Deliver speed and personalization that users love

Apps outperform mobile websites by offering a faster and more personalized user experience. Unlike websites that rely on browsers and internet speed, apps store data locally, for quicker loading times and smoother navigation.

Personalization capabilities are heightened through direct access to device features, such as GPS, camera, and push notifications, allowing tailored content based on user preferences and behaviors. Users increasingly expect personalized experiences, and apps provide an efficient way to deliver them, improving both satisfaction and engagement.

Boost your conversions with a powerful app experience

Data indicates that apps tend to convert traffic at higher rates than mobile websites. A study by Criteo shows that mobile apps convert at three times the rate of mobile websites. Increased conversions are due to superior user experiences — faster loading times, smoother interfaces, and targeted messaging.

Users who install apps are often more committed to the brand, leading to repeat interactions and purchases. This loyalty is key in an market where retaining customers is more cost-effective than acquiring new ones.

Cut costs and streamline with smart app features

As more users prefer self-service options, apps can provide automated support through AI-driven chatbots and self-help content. For instance, a well-designed app can reduce reliance on call centers by letting users find answers independently or receive support through real-time chat.

According to Gartner, companies that implement chatbots through their apps can reduce customer service costs by up to 30%.

Collect better data and build stronger relationships

Data collection is a key foundation for any digital strategy, and apps bring a more reliable way to gather data than mobile websites.

Since most apps require users to sign in, they provide a persistent and accurate user identifier, unlike cookies that are frequently deleted or blocked—giving businesses deeper insights into user behaviors and preferences, for more effective targeting and personalization.

When combined with user consent and data privacy best practices, apps can create trust while improving customer experiences.

Bring your app into your cross-device game plan

Creating a smooth integration of apps with a broader cross-device strategy requires a deep understanding of personalization and measurement challenges. This typically involves aligning the app with the rest of your digital ecosystem to create a unified experience across all channels.

Make your app a key part of the customer journey

Your app should be an integral part of the customer journey, delivering the right messages at the right moments. To achieve this, coordinate messaging across all channels, leveraging data from other touchpoints to inform in-app interactions.

For example, a retailer can send personalized product recommendations through emails that link directly to the app, followed by timely push notifications. But overcommunication risks user fatigue, so carefully balance the frequency and content of messages.

Keep your app fast and user-friendly, no matter what

New features may slow down the app, negatively impacting user experience. Prioritizing app speed is key since 53% of mobile users abandon a site or app that takes more than three seconds to load.

Consider third-party providers for push notifications and deep linking to speed up development without compromising performance. Balancing innovation with performance is key to retaining users and keeping them engaged.

Nail your app metrics to fit the bigger picture

Measurement strategies for apps differ significantly from those for websites, requiring specialized tools and approaches. Mobile Measurement Partners (MMPs) and networks like SKAd are key in capturing and attributing app activity data. Understanding how these metrics fit within the broader omnichannel strategy is a must for accurate reporting and data-driven decision-making.

Four simple steps to building an app that delivers

1. Find out how your customers really use your app

Start by defining clear use cases based on a thorough understanding of your customers’ behaviors and preferences. Identify the primary ways they will interact with the app and determine how to measure these interactions effectively. Focus on high-value customers to maximize return on investment and avoid wasting resources on low-impact use cases.

2. Build a data architecture that works for your app

Develop a comprehensive data architecture that aligns with your app’s goals. Identify the platforms and services needed in the codebase to capture and process data accurately. Determine how this data will integrate with existing databases, for a more seamless flow of information across your organization’s systems.

3. Focus on data collection for maximum impact

Establish a comprehensive tracking plan that aligns data architecture with behavioral triggers and data endpoints. Prioritize quality assurance and rigorous testing throughout development to minimize errors and improve data accuracy. Effective data collection provides valuable insights, ultimately leading to better decision-making and more personalized user experiences.

4. Test, learn, and scale to make your app a hit

Use mobile data specialists to extract maximum value from your app data. Perform thorough customer journey analysis to test hypotheses and identify opportunities for optimization. Scale successful strategies to improve user engagement and achieve business goals.

Final thoughts

As digital markets continue to shift, the question is how effectively your app can connect and engage across every device your customers use. Are you equipped to refine your app strategy to create deeper, more personalized experiences that drive loyalty and growth?

Tim Boesen

September 17, 2024

5 Min