Why cross-channel marketing is a major success driver

Cross-channel marketing strategies are proving to be a powerful lever for increasing conversion rates across industries. Companies that deploy these strategies see conversion rates rise by up to 31%—pointing out the value of reaching customers through multiple touchpoints.

Research highlights that using four or more channels as part of an integrated strategy can further boost conversion rates by up to 49%. This highlights just how important it is to not limit marketing efforts to a single channel, as engaging customers through many different channels—such as email, SMS, push notifications, and social media—can dramatically improve the likelihood of conversion.

Businesses in highly competitive sectors, such as fintech, subscription services, and e-commerce, particularly benefit here, where every percentage point in conversion can translate into major revenue gains.

Tailoring marketing to win globally and locally

Companies face the two-sided challenge of creating marketing strategies that resonate with diverse local audiences while making sure these efforts align with the broader global brand narrative—requiring an in-depth understanding of regional preferences, cultural nuances, and local market conditions, alongside global strategic goals.

Tailoring messages to meet the specific needs of regional audiences can greatly improve engagement and conversion rates.

For instance, while email campaigns may be highly effective in markets like the US and UK, other regions, such as China or South America, might respond better to SMS or WhatsApp.

The ability to adapt and optimize marketing channels based on regional behavior without compromising global brand integrity is a sophisticated yet necessary strategy in modern marketing.

What CleverTap’s report shows about winning marketing strategies

CleverTap’s comprehensive market research report, “Unraveling the Cross-Channel Marketing Strategy,” offers insights into the marketing strategies of over 600 businesses worldwide.

The report is particularly valuable as it examines how different factors—such as business growth stages, geographical nuances, industry dynamics, customer lifecycle milestones, and user retention—shape omni-channel marketing strategies.

Analyzing these variables, the report provides actionable insights that businesses can use to refine their marketing efforts.

For instance, the study shows how companies at different stages of growth must adapt their marketing channels to align with their expanding customer base and changing customer expectations. It also points out how industry-specific dynamics and regional factors can influence the effectiveness of certain channels over others, offering a roadmap for businesses to optimize their marketing mix accordingly.

Choosing the right marketing channels for every region

The report provides valuable data on which channels dominate in different markets:

  • US and UK: In the US and UK, email is still a powerful tool, driving high engagement and conversion rates. Preference for email is linked to the established nature of email communication in these regions and the trust consumers place in it.
  • China: In China, SMS is seen as a highly effective channel, likely due to the widespread use of mobile phones and the quick, direct nature of SMS communications.
  • South America and Asia: WhatsApp is a dominant channel in South America and Asia, where messaging apps are deeply integrated into daily communication habits.

Understanding these regional preferences helps companies allocate resources more effectively, making sure marketing efforts resonate with target audiences in different parts of the world.

Omni-channel marketing is highly effective across industries

Omni-channel marketing is transforming how businesses engage with their customers across different industries. Using multiple channels, companies can greatly improve customer interactions, drive higher conversion rates, and boost user retention.

We take a look at fintech, subscription services, gaming, and eCommerce, looking into how leveraging a strategic mix of channels proved key in meeting customers where they are most active and keeping them engaged over time—all backed by data from the CleverTap report.

1. Improved user engagement regardless of your industry

Omni-channel strategies greatly boost engagement across industries by letting businesses interact with customers through their preferred communication channels.

  • Fintech: In the fintech sector, integrating email, push notifications, and in-app messages lead to a 23% increase in user engagement, according to the same report.
  • Subscription platforms: Subscription-based platforms also saw major gains, with email-driven engagement increasing by 16%, and the potential to exceed 20% when other channels are integrated. Combining channels like push notifications and in-app messages can amplify engagement, keeping subscribers more connected and less likely to churn.
  • Gaming industry: The gaming industry benefits from a 13% boost in engagement when leveraging a combination of email, push notifications, in-app messages, and app inbox communications, indicating that a diverse channel mix can keep players engaged and active within the platform.

2. Targeted strategies to grow conversion rates

Targeted strategies that incorporate multiple channels boost engagement and lead to higher conversion rates across industries:

  • Fintech: Fintech apps can see conversion rates soar by up to 31% when combining email, push notifications, and in-app messages. This strategy makes sure users receive timely and relevant information through channels they are most likely to interact with, which in turn drives conversions.
  • Subscription-based apps: Subscription apps also benefit, with a 16% increase in conversions attributed to the use of push notifications and in-app messages. These channels deliver prompt, contextually relevant content that encourages users to take action.
  • Gaming industry: In the gaming industry, a 10% uplift in conversions can be achieved through the strategic use of push notifications and in-app messaging, demonstrating the effectiveness of targeted, multi-channel approaches.
  • eCommerce sector: Even in the highly competitive eCommerce sector, a 6% increase in conversions is observed when a cross-channel strategy is employed, indicating that a well-rounded approach can make a tangible difference in performance.

3. Boosted user retention

User retention, or “stickiness,” is a key metric that businesses aim to improve, and multi-channel marketing proves to be a powerful tool in this regard.

  • Fintech platforms: Fintech platforms saw stickiness improve by over 28% when using more than three marketing channels. Increased stickiness means that users are more likely to return to the platform, contributing to higher lifetime value.
  • Subscription platforms: Subscription platforms experience even greater gains, with stickiness improving by 30% to 70% when employing two to four channels, which is particularly true for services like streaming or grocery shopping, where consistent engagement across multiple touchpoints keeps users loyal.
  • Gaming industry: The gaming industry also benefits from a 32% increase in stickiness when more than three channels are used, highlighting the importance of diverse and consistent communication.
  • eCommerce: In the eCommerce space, using more than three channels results in a 26% increase in stickiness, pointing out that a multi-channel approach attracts customers and keeps them coming back.

Top takeaways for smarter marketing

Why holistic customer engagement is so impactful

A narrow focus on customer engagement typically limits a company’s ability to fully connect with its audience. CleverTap’s report reiterated the need for a holistic approach to customer engagement, which considers every possible touchpoint and ensures that each interaction is optimized.

A comprehensive, all-in-one MarTech stack is identified as a key element in achieving holistic engagement—letting businesses seamlessly integrate and manage multiple channels, making sure marketing efforts are cohesive and effective across the board.

Mastering customer touchpoints for maximum impact

Effectively using a mix of marketing channels makes sure no customer touchpoints are overlooked, maximizing the impact of each interaction. CleverTap’s findings suggest that a strategic combination of channels improves overall engagement and drives better business outcomes.

Companies must reach customers through their preferred channels if they’re to create more meaningful connections and build stronger relationships—making sure every customer interaction is optimized for success, leading to higher engagement, increased conversions, and improved customer retention.

Final thoughts

As you refine your marketing strategy, consider this: Are you blindly adding channels to your mix, or are you strategically aligning them to meet your customers where they are, with the right message at the right time?

In a market where precision drives results, how will you leverage the full potential of cross-channel marketing to go beyond competing, but become leaders in your industry?

Tim Boesen

August 27, 2024

7 Min