A study by Dexian aims to uncover the mismatch between employee expectations and employer offerings. With technological advancements, shifting cultural norms, and evolving employee expectations, understanding this disconnect is key for businesses to maintain a competitive edge.

Dexian’s study aims to identify gaps between what employees want and what employers provide, focusing on recruitment practices, work arrangements, and organizational culture. The goal is to provide actionable insights for better alignment with employee expectations.

Dexian surveyed 2,000 employees across various industries and 1,325 HR decision-makers. This diverse participant pool captures perspectives from both employees and HR leaders, offering a comprehensive view of the issues.

What we learned from the Dexian study

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a powerful tool in recruitment, bringing both opportunities and challenges. As companies adopt AI-driven solutions to simplify hiring, they face integrating these technologies without losing the personal touch candidates value.

AI is widely viewed as a disruptor in recruitment due to its swift adoption across industries. It automates many aspects of hiring, from sourcing candidates to screening resumes, which can reduce time-to-hire and cut costs.

60% of leaders admit they struggle to determine how best to use AI in hiring without compromising candidate interactions.

What employees really think about AI in recruitment

A portion of employees—72%—feel that companies rely too much on AI during the hiring process, diminishing the personal element that candidates value. While 48% of employees believe technology can help them find suitable jobs faster, only 24% support using AI for reviewing applications or resumes.

Dexian’s data details the need to balance AI with personal engagement in recruitment. To attract and retain top talent, companies must use AI for efficiency while making sure candidates feel valued and understood throughout the hiring process.

Why cultural fit is the secret sauce to successful hiring

Despite the importance of aligning employees with company values, many organizations do not prioritize cultural fit in hiring. Dexian’s study finds that 62% of employees undergo skills assessments during recruitment, yet only 43% experience cultural or values assessments.

Furthermore, only 47% of employees report that their employers measure how well employees embody the organization’s culture and values. A lack of focus can lead to misalignments that impact team dynamics, employee satisfaction, and overall performance.

Only 50% of companies have created a value-based culture using insights from employee surveys or data, indicating that many organizations do not fully use available data to build a strong, cohesive culture.

Companies should place greater emphasis on cultural fit during recruitment and hold teams accountable for upholding company values. Building a more inclusive and engaging workplace is essential for long-term success and employee retention.

Work preferences vs. company policies

Dexian’s study highlights a growing divide between employee preferences and company policies concerning work arrangements. While 66% of employees report working in their preferred arrangements, only 48% of companies survey employees about these preferences.

Misalignment on work arrangements can negatively affect productivity, connection with colleagues, and career growth prospects. Additionally, 32% of employees indicate they would consider changing jobs if required to return to the office, highlighting the importance of flexibility.

How to adapt to employee needs and keep your best talent happy

Companies need to actively engage with their workforce by regularly surveying employees about their preferences and adapting policies accordingly. Such an approach helps retain talent and fosters a more productive and engaged workforce.

Upskilling and reskilling

Continuous learning is key in a modern workplace, driven by technological advancements and evolving job roles. Dexian’s study explains that 75% of employees agree on the need for continuous self-reinvention to stay relevant. However, 49% find career progression challenging due to constant changes, and 59% struggle with planning their future careers amidst shifting technologies.

Despite the growing importance of AI, there are gaps in training and adoption. Only 15% of employees consider themselves AI experts, and just 7% have received extensive AI training. A lack of expertise limits the potential of AI tools within organizations.

Dexian’s study also shows that while 41% of employees use AI tools daily, 47% of organizations struggle with effectively adopting these technologies due to a lack of understanding.

Companies should invest in comprehensive upskilling and reskilling programs focused on AI and other emerging technologies. Emphasizing continuous learning can help attract and retain talent, making sure the organization remains competitive and innovative.

What this all means for employers in a changing work environment

Dexian’s study explains the need for companies to understand and respond to employee needs and preferences. When actively listening and adapting to these expectations, organizations can create a more supportive work environment that fosters productivity and loyalty.

Failing to adapt to these changes risks losing talent and hinders overall organizational success. In a competitive marketplace, companies that do not align their policies with employee expectations may find themselves at a disadvantage in talent acquisition and retention and overall performance and growth.

Alexander Procter

September 5, 2024

4 Min