Generative AI has resulted in an exponential rise in machine-generated code, leading some organizations to rely on these systems for coding tasks. While this helps accelerate development processes, much of this code lacks the precision and quality needed for long-term stability. It often introduces bugs or inefficient structures that need human oversight.

A new survey from Tidelift shows that only 39% of developers’ time is spent on writing new code, reinforcing the idea that software engineering extends far beyond code generation. Junior developers, who are typically tasked with handling such coding activities, may be the first to feel threatened by AI encroaching on their duties.

AI’s lack of understanding for broader business contexts demonstrates why machine-generated code is not a replacement for human judgment.

There’s growing concern that AI might displace junior developers, especially given the increasing automation in coding tasks. While AI tools can indeed generate code faster, this trend overlooks a fundamental fact: junior developers are the pipeline to creating future senior developers.

If companies stop investing in training early-career talent, they will face long-term consequences, such as a shortage of experienced developers. Junior developers provide valuable assistance on day-to-day tasks, but they also absorb institutional knowledge, which is key for their eventual transition into senior roles.

AI may threaten to replace them in the short term, but businesses that fail to hire and develop junior talent are jeopardizing their future workforce.

The true power of senior developers

The responsibilities of senior engineers go well beyond writing code. They oversee the full lifecycle of software, from initial design to ongoing maintenance. A senior developer’s primary function is to manage large systems, which requires a deep understanding of both the technical and business side of the operation. This includes debugging in production, responding to unforeseen issues, and adapting systems as business needs change.

While junior developers may spend more time coding, senior engineers handle higher-level tasks like planning, system architecture, and bridging the gap between business strategy and technical execution. Their expertise is indispensable for making sure that software systems are resilient, scalable, and adaptable.

Senior engineers are the architects, not bricklayers, of code

Charity Majors explains that senior engineers’ real value lies not in their ability to write code but in their capacity to manage complex systems and translate business needs into sustainable technical solutions.

Senior engineers focus on high-level architecture, system performance, and overall project direction. Their experience allows them to anticipate potential issues, making sure that what gets built can evolve alongside changing business requirements.

Junior engineers look to senior developers for leadership, while senior developers focus on long-term, strategic concerns that go beyond the immediate task of coding. AI lacks the capacity to understand this broader context, making senior developers key in keeping systems functional over time.

AI writes code, but it can’t manage it, that’s a senior developer’s job

While generative AI has sped up the coding process, it hasn’t made the more complex parts of software engineering any easier. Managing AI-generated code, understanding how it fits into existing systems, and fixing bugs require human oversight.

In fact, AI often complicates the work of senior developers, as it tends to produce overly verbose and sometimes inefficient code that adds to the maintenance burden. Senior developers are needed to manage these complexities, troubleshoot issues that arise from AI-produced code, and optimize the system’s performance over time.

AI accelerates part of the process but doesn’t eliminate the human need for oversight and ongoing management.

Cutting junior developers is a recipe for long-term disaster

Failing to hire and train junior developers will lead to a talent gap in the future, making it difficult to find qualified senior engineers. Junior developers are the future of the software industry, as they gain the necessary experience and grow into senior roles over time.

Charity Majors emphasizes that if companies don’t invest in nurturing junior talent, they are effectively “cannibalizing” their own future. Without this training pipeline, there will be fewer experienced professionals available in the years ahead. Short-term cost-saving measures will have serious long-term implications for the ability to manage and maintain complex software systems effectively.

Developers do much more than write code

Developers spend less time coding than many people assume. According to the Tidelift survey, only 39% of a developer’s time is spent on writing new code. The rest of their work is dedicated to tasks like requirements gathering, design, code reviews, and system maintenance.

Non-coding tasks are key to the overall success of a project. Developers must constantly interact with other teams, stakeholders, and end-users to make sure that what gets built solves real-world problems effectively. Without this broader context, even the best-written code can fail to meet business objectives.

The misconception that developers are primarily coders ignores the key, collaborative nature of their work.

One of the key principles of efficient software development is writing as little code as possible. The more code a system has, the more difficult it is to maintain and the greater the risk of introducing bugs.

AI-generated code tends to be overly verbose, which increases the burden on developers who must maintain and debug it over time. Writing minimal, efficient code is a fundamental goal in software engineering.

When reducing complexity, developers can better the stability, security, and maintainability of the system. Junior developers often learn this lesson as they mature into senior roles, but AI can introduce bad habits by encouraging excessive code production.

Junior developers are still the backbone of tech, even with AI

Hiring and training junior developers is cost-effective and key for building a strong workforce. Junior developers typically command lower salaries than their more experienced counterparts, making them an attractive option for companies looking to scale their engineering teams efficiently.

Beyond cost, companies that invest in the development of junior talent often see high loyalty rates. Junior developers tend to stay with companies that nurture their growth, reducing turnover and providing stability. Long-term investment in talent development builds a more reliable and experienced workforce over time, creating a strong foundation for the company’s future engineering needs.

Junior developers bring fresh perspectives and add diversity to development teams. A well-balanced team requires a mix of skill levels and experiences to function effectively.

While senior developers focus on complex, high-level tasks, junior developers often take on the day-to-day work that pushes their boundaries and helps them grow. Enthusiasm and eagerness to learn create a positive dynamic that supports innovation.

Companies with diverse teams benefit from better problem-solving and creative approaches, as junior developers contribute unique viewpoints that complement the expertise of more senior staff.

Senior developers need junior engineers to sharpen their own skills

Junior developers create opportunities for senior engineers to explain and clarify their work. Such a dynamic creates collaboration and improves team performance. When senior engineers explain complex decisions to their junior counterparts, it reinforces their own understanding while helping to cultivate the next generation of talent.

No developer skips directly to a senior role. Junior engineers must go through the learning process of documentation, troubleshooting, and mastering low-level tasks. Interaction between junior and senior team members strengthens the collective expertise of the team and helps with continuous learning across all levels.

Alexander Procter

September 26, 2024

6 Min