As mobile applications approach peak stability, performance metrics continue to show significant improvements across platforms and industries. A focus on app stability has become a key factor for success, with crash-free sessions nearing perfection.

Businesses must stay vigilant by tracking key indicators of app performance, addressing any remaining issues, and using advanced tools to keep up with growing user expectations. A high demand for flawless user experiences puts pressure on developers to maintain top-tier stability, especially as competition in app stores increases.

Mobile applications are performing better than ever, with the median crash-free session rate hitting 99.95% across platforms. Such a figure explains the overall reliability of apps and demonstrates strong stability.

For top-performing apps in the 75th percentile, the rate climbs even higher to 99.99%, setting a nearly flawless benchmark for success. Newer apps, achieving the so-called “five 9s” stability, offer users smoother experiences.

Which industries are dominating app stability?

In industry-specific analysis, Health/Fitness is the top performer, achieving a 99.98% median crash-free session rate. Health apps, which often deal with key personal health data and user well-being, are built with high reliability to meet both regulatory standards and user expectations. The impressive stability of these apps shows the industry’s focus on delivering dependable user experiences.

Following closely behind are apps in the Social/Dating and Telecom categories, both registering a 99.97% crash-free session rate. These categories rely heavily on uninterrupted usage to maintain engagement, making their high stability rates essential.

With the rise of constant connectivity and communication, users expect apps to function without disruption, driving developers to fine-tune performance to near-perfection.

In contrast, apps in the Lifestyle/Sports category show a median crash-free session rate of 99.67%, falling behind the top performers. The varied usage scenarios and environments in which these apps operate, such as live sporting events, outdoor activities, or real-time tracking, can introduce complexities that make achieving higher stability more difficult. These apps must contend with dynamic user behaviors and changing environmental factors that can stress performance.

iOS outpaces Android in the stability race

For mobile app stability, iOS is currently leading the pack. The platform boasts a 99.91% crash-free session rate, positioning it slightly ahead of Android. Stability gain reaffirms iOS’s reputation for offering a more controlled and consistent user experience.

The uniformity of hardware and software on iOS devices provides developers with a stable base, allowing fewer variations across app performance and reducing the risk of crashes.

In contrast, Android maintains a 99.80% crash-free session rate. While this is still strong, the ongoing fragmentation of the Android ecosystem, due to the wide range of devices, manufacturers, and operating system versions, presents unique challenges.

Developers must account for this diversity, which impacts overall stability. Fragmentation can lead to discrepancies in performance, as apps must be optimized across hundreds of device configurations, adding complexity to achieving the same level of stability as iOS.

How app stability directly impacts your star ratings

A strong correlation exists between app stability and user ratings, underscoring the importance of crash-free sessions. Apps with a median crash-free session rate below 99.82% tend to receive lower ratings, typically below 3 stars.

On the other hand, apps rated above 4.5 stars show better stability, with a crash-free rate of 99.84% at the 25th percentile. Such a correlation displays that users are quick to penalize apps that do not meet their expectations for reliability, linking stability directly to user satisfaction and app store success.

New data suggests specific stability thresholds for achieving high ratings. To secure a 3-star rating, apps must maintain at least 99.7% crash-free sessions. To exceed 4.5 stars, apps need to hit around 99.85% crash-free sessions.

Such figures provide developers with concrete targets to work toward if they aim to maximize their app’s rating and visibility in app stores. With star ratings heavily influencing app store rankings and user downloads, maintaining these stability levels is crucial for long-term success.

Other stability metrics you can’t ignore

ANR errors are on the rise

While crash-free sessions are a dominant metric, Application Not Responding (ANR) errors also play a vital role in app stability. These errors have seen an increase, with a median of 2.62 per 10,000 sessions.

ANR errors occur when an app stops responding to user input, leading to frustration. As users become less tolerant of performance delays, addressing ANR issues has become increasingly important for maintaining user trust and preventing negative reviews.

Out of memory errors remain low but still key

Out of Memory (OOM) errors are another key indicator of stability, although they remain relatively low, with a median of 1.12 errors per 10,000 sessions. Despite their low occurrence, OOM errors can significantly impact user experience, particularly in memory-intensive apps.

Errors are particularly problematic in apps handling large datasets or rich media, such as gaming or multimedia apps. Monitoring and optimizing memory usage should be a priority, even for apps that don’t frequently encounter these errors.

App hangs and restarts haven’t improved

Metrics for app hangs and forced restarts have remained steady compared to previous years. While they haven’t worsened, the lack of improvement signals that many apps still face challenges in maintaining smooth performance during intensive usage. Disruptions can degrade user experience, and developers must continue optimizing their apps to minimize these occurrences.

A 360-degree view of app stability is your path to success

Mobile teams must take a broader view, focusing on ANRs, OOM errors, and app hangs in addition to crash-free sessions. Such additional metrics are invaluable for identifying and fixing underlying issues that might not trigger outright crashes but can still degrade the user experience.

When tackling all aspects of performance, developers can provide a smoother, more reliable experience.

As app complexity increases, developers are turning to AI-driven tools to gain deeper insights into performance metrics. Newer tools help automate the detection and diagnosis of stability issues, allowing teams to address them proactively.

When getting the most out of AI, developers can fine-tune their apps more efficiently, ensuring stability targets are met. It will result in a better overall user experience and higher app store ratings, giving businesses a competitive edge.

What every developer needs to know for stability success in app stores

App stability metrics are key to success in app stores. With competition increasing, maintaining high crash-free session rates and addressing all performance-related issues is key for climbing the app store rankings.

Users expect excellent experiences, and even minor disruptions can lead to negative reviews. Developers who prioritize these stability factors are more likely to achieve five-star ratings, which drive user retention and app visibility.

Alexander Procter

October 16, 2024

5 Min