New brands are flocking to endorsements right now

Endorsement deals are attracting a growing number of new brands, with 29% of those active in the space today having entered within the last 12 months—signaling a strong trend among brands looking to leverage the reach and credibility of celebrities and influencers.

For many of these companies, especially smaller or less established ones, a single endorsement deal can be an impactful marketing strategy. Only 4% of these new entrants opted for multiple deals, suggesting that most are testing the waters with one partnership before committing to a larger investment in this arena.

A closer look at this trend shows that endorsements provide new brands with a unique opportunity to reach engaged audiences. As more consumers rely on social media for product discovery and brand recommendations, endorsements bridge the gap between companies and their target markets in a highly visible way.

The low percentage of brands engaging in multiple deals likely possibly points to a cautious approach, with brands assessing the ROI of their initial forays before scaling their efforts.

The categories leading the way for first-time endorsements

Among new entrants, consumer products, food products, and apparel and accessories have risen as the top categories for first-time endorsements.

Together, these sectors account for 38% of new brands breaking into endorsements. The popularity of these categories speaks to their broad appeal and the ability to easily integrate celebrity and influencer partnerships into their marketing strategies.

Consumer products—ranging from electronics to home goods—are often well-positioned for endorsements, given the tangible nature of the products and their everyday use by a wide range of audiences.

Food brands also benefit from endorsements, leveraging influencers and celebrities to promote their products in relatable, lifestyle-driven contexts. Apparel and accessories similarly thrive on endorsements, with influencers often acting as trendsetters who can showcase fashion and accessories in real-time, visual formats, further driving consumer interest and purchases.

Inside the fast-changing world of celebrity and influencer endorsements

The endorsement space has seen major activity in the past year, as shown in a study by SponsorUnited, which evaluated over 650 brands and 1,350 endorsement deals.

In addition to analyzing these deals, the study also reviewed 3,000 celebrity and influencer posts between September 3, 2023, and September 2, 2024—offering key insights into the evolving nature of brand partnerships and the rising importance of influencer-driven campaigns.

Brands are increasingly turning to endorsements as they seek more personal, authentic connections with consumers.

The data points out shifts in which categories and platforms are most effective for reaching different audiences. As brands proceed in this dynamic market, understanding the current trends in partnerships, platform usage, and demographic reach is an absolute must for maximizing marketing investments.

Which categories are securing the most endorsement deals this year?

Endorsement activity is not evenly distributed across industries. Some sectors are capitalizing on celebrity and influencer partnerships far more aggressively than others, and two categories are leading the charge: cosmetics and skincare, and non-athletic apparel and footwear.

Why cosmetics and skincare brands are thriving

Cosmetics and skincare brands top the endorsement charts with 68 active deals, making them the most prevalent category. This is part of a broader trend in which beauty products align smoothly with influencer-driven content.

Combining aspirational marketing with the tangible results makes cosmetics and skincare endorsements a high-impact strategy for brands looking to drive awareness and sales.

Beauty influencers have established trust with their audiences through product reviews, tutorials, and before-and-after transformations, all of which lend themselves to highly visual platforms like Instagram and YouTube.

How apparel and footwear brands are catching up

Close behind, non-athletic apparel and footwear brands hold 62 endorsement deals. Fashion, like beauty, is highly visual and influencer-led, making it ideal for social media platforms. Brands in this sector often rely on influencers to act as trendsetters, helping to launch new collections and create demand among fashion-conscious consumers.

As more consumers look to influencers for style inspiration, apparel and footwear endorsements continue to be a core marketing tactic for brands aiming to reach a broad audience.

Influencers are becoming the biggest powerhouses in the endorsement market

Influencers now account for over 70% of the 918 million followers gained by the top 100 celebrities and influencers over the last 12 months—a clear rise in their dominance—as influencers increasingly outpace traditional celebrities in terms of engagement and follower growth.

Much of this growth stems from YouTube’s impact on influencer visibility.

As video content gains traction, influencers can build deeper connections with their audiences through longer, more personal formats, allowing them to become powerful brand ambassadors.

Brands are responding to this trend by partnering more heavily with influencers who can deliver authentic, relatable content. For many companies, influencers are now the preferred choice for endorsements due to their ability to consistently engage and convert followers into customers.

Who’s winning the follower growth battle

The competition for followers between influencers and celebrities continues to intensify. In the past 12 months, Jimmy “MrBeast” Donaldson has risen as the top influencer by gaining 182 million new followers. His content resonates across YouTube, where he has built a massive audience through viral stunts and philanthropic challenges, making him a highly sought-after partner for brands looking to tap into his influence.

On the celebrity side, Italian sports journalist Fabrizio Romano experienced the highest follower growth, gaining 22 million followers in the last year. His expertise in football (soccer) news and transfers has made him a go-to source for fans, and his ability to consistently break news has solidified his position as a top celebrity in the endorsement market.

Age and gender breakdowns of today’s top endorsement deals

Endorsements are most common among individuals aged 25 to 44, with 58% of deals going to celebrities and influencers in this age group. This is appealing for brands because of its prime purchasing power and influence over younger audiences.

To add to this, there’s near-equal gender distribution in these deals, with women securing 48% of deals and men capturing 52%—suggesting that brands are focusing equally on engaging both male and female audiences through endorsements.

Where celebrities and influencers are dominating across social media

Social media platforms are key for celebrities and influencers looking to maximize their reach and impact. Celebrities, in particular, maintain a strong presence on platforms like Instagram, where 61% of their followers reside.

Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) also remain important for celebrities, who hold 18% and 13% of their followers on these platforms, respectively.

In contrast, influencers dominate video-focused platforms. TikTok is especially critical for influencers, where 36% of their followers are based, compared to just 6% for celebrities. YouTube is another stronghold for influencers, with 34% of their followers on the platform, far higher than the 2% share for celebrities.

Final thoughts

As the influence of celebrities and, especially, influencers continues to grow, the question becomes: Is your brand leveraging these partnerships effectively? With platforms like TikTok and YouTube driving massive follower growth, now is the time to ask—are you connecting with the right voices to capture your audience’s attention?

Tim Boesen

October 16, 2024

6 Min